RAT (Remote Assistance Tool) is a software like team viewer which can control remote computers. With the help of this you can control your friends computer and can do many funny things like opening and closing his CD ROM, send him any error messages, play piano on his computer etc. :D . There are many rats software, I will use here Dark Comet RAT.
screenshot 2 |
- Download Dark Comet RAT from its official Website www.darkcomet-rat.com
- Install it. Then open it and click on Dark Comet RAT>client settings>no-ip updater. Our ip address is generally dynamic which means the ip is changed after disconnecting and then connecting to the internet. So we need to make it Static ip(which will not change). We will do this with no-ip. Dont Worry i will tell you step by step.
- In the no-ip updater click on get a free account(screenshot 1). You will get your No-ip host, username and userpass later after the registration in no-ip.com. To register on no-ip.com Go to no-ip.com then Click on No-ip free(screenshot 2). The rest process you know how to register if any problem please mention it in comments.
- After you are registered to no-ip.com. Login to no-ip.com. Click on Add a Host(screenshot3).
screenshot 3 |
- Now only put your host name eg- yourhostname and click next. It will be created successfully. Now open no-ip updater(step 2) put No-ip host, Username and Userpass you just created. Eg- to No-ip host put the host you just created here it is yourhostname.zapto.org, and put username and userpass of no-ip.com. Then click update DNS.
- Now download no-ip DUC from no-ip.com . Install it . Note that It will ask for your no-ip email and password. Now DUC will run on your computer, you can see the DUC icon in the taskbar. Note that you Don't close DUC.
- Now open dark comet. Click on Dark comet RAT>server module>minimalist. A new stub window will open.(screenshot 4). Then you put your hostname in IP/DNS, you can also change the stub id icon and keyname as you like.(screenshot 4). Click on normal.
screenshot 4 |
- Give it name example and save it. The stub will be successfully generated(screenshot 5). The file example.exe is SERVER(screenshot 5). Now Click on DarkComet RAT>listen to new port. Enter the port that you Entered before in the process of making server. Dark Comet will start listening to that port.
screenshot 5 |
- You and victim must be connected to the internet. Now give this example.exe to anybody whom you wanted to test dark comet and opens example.exe on his computer. Now Dark Comet will alert you that 1 user is online. Now double click on it(screenshot 6). Many fun functions will be there(screenshot 6) and also a keylogger. If you don't know what is a keylogger then refer this article. Thus any the victim's account can be hacked using Dark Comet RAT. Enjoy...
screenshot 6 |
Note: This is for educational purpose only
If any problem please mention it in comments.
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